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What Should a Review on Linked in Say?

With today's labor market, about jobseekers are looking for an border over their competition. Many of them lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 shutdowns, while others fell victim to the usual manufacture upsets. But no matter what happened to each professional, the task of finding a new chore oft seems daunting. Putting ones' best pes frontward when out of a task is intimidating.

Fortunately, there'south something that you might be able to exercise that'll help them: write a recommendation. If you know how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn, this endorsement from a business concern contact is often very valuable. Recruiters will see it when viewing your contact's page, and it might convince the recruiter to reach out. In other words, these references can actually help out your jobless former coworker or colleague.

Further Reading: LinkedIn Contour Tips: The 21 Mistakes You Want to Avoid – and Why

What is a LinkedIn Recommendation?

LinkedIn recommendation

Before I can tell y'all how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn, it's important that you sympathise what, exactly, you're doing. In that location are some of import differences between these references and the old-fashioned letter or phone call (or even letting the person put your name on a job application).

Technically it is a LinkedIn user recommending another LinkedIn user

Call up, LinkedIn has different kinds of memberships, some of them paid. But aside from the supplemental services you can pay for, there are no special privileges for people in management. Besides this, corporate accounts tin can't write a recommendation on LinkedIn. This means that these recommendations are technically between two LinkedIn users.

With that said, this ways that literally anyone can write a LinkedIn recommendation for someone. While it's understood that you know this person and their piece of work, recommenders can be at whatever career level. They can be coworkers, subordinates, or managers. In some cases, they might fifty-fifty be past clients or have a educatee/professor human relationship. In other words, all you actually demand is some professional connection.

Of form, when yous write a recommendation your name and a profile link volition announced on that person's profile, along with your position. This means that people who view their profile can see at a glance where you work. You might know someone from a dissimilar context similar former employment, though, and so mention the human relationship if advisable.

A LinkedIn recommendation is a professional reference with a personal face.

Unlike the former-fashioned written reference or "boss talk," LinkedIn recommendations give recruiters and hiring managers a view of what it's similar to work with someone. In many cases, these recommendations are written by one-time subordinates, classmates, and colleagues. For that reason, they give insight as to what information technology was like working with someone on projects and why they would recommend them to piece of work with you. That viewpoint is very different from what managers get otherwise.

Let's look at this a different manner: if y'all know how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn, yous can tell a recruiter that this is an crawly person to work with! Great companies love to hire smart, dedicated employees that make the workplace pleasant. Better yet, a hiring manager tin can be more or less confident that someone is a skilful fit for the visitor civilisation and values. Best of all, the information comes from someone who isn't a corporate robot.

Why LinkedIn Recommendations are Important


Of grade, the "real person" thumbs up isn't the simply reason y'all need to know how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn. By writing i, you're helping this person professionally on many different levels. Besides this, there are some benefits for your LinkedIn contour and overall reputation.

Farther Reading: 17 Must-Have Items for Your Professional LinkedIn Profile to Smoothen in 2021

You provide credibility and show social proof that they are existent

It's ane thing for someone to say that they're known as the squeamish guy in the office, and another for somebody else to say the same thing nearly them. Subsequently all, about people have a positive view of themselves and volition projection this during a chore interview. And there are some people whose personalities make them undesirable employees. Conversely, a few chore candidates might be cooler than they let on, or have difficulty articulating their personality strong points.

Once you lot've learned how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn, y'all can help these people. For one thing, references aid with someone's personal branding. For some other, yous'll enhance your own make. Writing recommendations shows people that you're willing to risk your reputation on others. This reflects well on both of you. Ultimately, both of y'all will get "real" people rather than just faces on a computer screen.

Recommendations back up the professional person claims on their LinkedIn profile.

It doesn't take a genius to know that people often prevarication to become alee. Sometimes these lies are as unproblematic every bit covering for an embarrassing state of affairs. But in other situations, these lies can result in someone getting a job that they aren't qualified for. Or worse, joining a visitor for the wrong reasons. Fifty-fifty problems like HR giving someone a good reference to get rid of them has become commonplace. In fact, these days as much as half of job applicants have something to hide.

People who know how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn can help combat this problem. Possibly the biggest reason for this is that you tin can dorsum up someone'south story. For instance, if you were someone's academic advisor in higher, you lot can talk about how hard they worked to finish their degree. Equally a erstwhile supervisor, you can tell another potential manager how well this person did their job. And as a coworker you might mention what a keen peer mentor that person is. All of these insights are valuable.

Farther Reading: ix Tips to Update Your LinkedIn Profile with Bear upon in I Hour

Y'all can influence whether a visitor or a person does concern with someone or hires them for their services.

Given the choice, would yous rather hire someone that's an unknown quantity, or the competing candidate/business who has references? If you're a hiring manager, chances are that information technology's the latter. And even if you are a consumer, or looking for freelance services, it's dandy to know that someone is reliable. Did this person perform at a minimal level, or go all out to please the customer? Chances are that someone in a hiring position wants to know this.

It gives you an opportunity to pay it forrad to your network

Let's be honest: most of usa owe favors to someone at some point in our careers. Applying your cognition of how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn might let you render those favors. Or have your contact saying, "thanks I owe you one." Being the helpful contact in business organisation settings builds upwards a lot of skillful will, and you never know when this will help you, as well, advance. Especially since people like to work with/for genuine people, rather than narcissists who puff themselves up.

Further Reading: How to Network on LinkedIn from an Inbound and Outbound Perspective

Who Can Yous Recommend on LinkedIn?

Similar other social networks, LinkedIn has limits on who you tin write recommendations for. If someone doesn't fit those criteria, then it doesn't matter if you lot know how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn or not. Fortunately, it's easy to correct this problem if yous'd like to recommend them.

You can merely recommend a contact that you are connected with on LinkedIn

It seems kind of obvious, merely someone has to exist your connection on LinkedIn for you to write a recommendation. This is somewhat similar to the restrictions on other social networks, where you can't post on someone's profile without existence their contact. By doing this, LinkedIn reduces the risk that someone volition invade your privacy. It also helps cake people from putting malicious references on someone'south profile.

This problem is like shooting fish in a barrel to fix.

Easy fix

Fortunately, if you want to recommend someone, all yous take to do is send a connection request on LinkedIn. If that person accepts your request, yous can write them a recommendation. Of course, if this is the reason why you want to connect with them, it's a good idea to allow them know. Often, this is something you've discussed beforehand.

How to Publish a Recommendation for a LinkedIn Connection

Once y'all've connected with someone on LinkedIn, you'll observe that learning how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn is piece of cake. The developers have fabricated adding it to someone's profile pretty simple, so the hardest office is deciding what to say. Besides this, if you know someone in multiple roles you might contend which one to use. Here's the process, pace by stride.

  • Become to the contour of the person y'all want to recommend. You lot can do this either by searching for them, or locating this person in your contacts list.
  • Press the "More than" button to the correct of "Message"
  • Select "Recommend"
  • Select the advisable relationship with the person you want to recommend and your job title when you worked with them from the 2 driblet-down menus that appear. This is important, considering your signal of view on someone will aid hiring managers and others understand why you like that person.
  • Write your recommendation!

How to Write a Recommendation on LinkedIn


Here comes the difficult part: knowing exactly what to say! Especially for non-HR people, writing a reference or recommendation tin be tough. And to turn up the pressure, what yous say tin can affect this person's career. Now relax. It isn't that difficult, at least, non if you lot follow these instructions.

1) Beginning with a "hook" to "sell" the person you are recommending

I'd like to describe this as starting off with a compliment for this person. So if they're the most fun dominate you lot've ever had, this is a great time to say it.

2) Make your relationship clear to sympathize the context

Hither, you should give the job championship or role that y'all had when you lot knew this person. For instance, you might say you were both account managers at XYZ sales company. This style, everybody knows that you were coworkers.

iii) What affect did this person have when you worked with them?

Even the nicest employer is looking for results of some kind. To that end, mention specific examples or numbers if at all possible to showcase their professional skill. Call up, employers ask this kind of question in job interviews, so if there'due south a crowning achievement you know near, so it'll help with the interview.

four) Describe what is so special about this person or their personality.

Particularly in jobs like sales, personality can make or break both professional success and the atmosphere in the function. Besides this, different companies have unlike cultures. The information you provide tin assist managers decide if this person is a "fit" for them. While it could cost the candidate a job, they might well have been miserable if they'd succeeded.

5) End with a definitive argument.

You can rephrase this as an answer to "so what's the point?" Give the reader i quick reason why they should hire, or do business with, this person.

Further Reading: 21 LinkedIn All-time Practices for Business concern Professionals to Follow for Success

A LinkedIn Recommendation Sample Using the five-Step Process


Set to see the principles of how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn piece of work in practice? I composed ane for myself, based on these five steps. Read this recommendation and come across how the above process tin can be utilized.

Before nosotros go to it, though, I need to give a word of warning. In some cases, mentioning specific numbers or examples might be challenging and against your company's NDA or other policies. If you are in that situation, you will want to ostend your company's policy on LinkedIn recommendations with your HR department before posting. And so, you can adjust what you lot say to fit company guidelines.

A (fictional) recommendation for Neal Schaffer.

Neal is a one-of-a-kind marketing consultant.

My company, Google, hired Neal to help usa completely revamp our influencer marketing strategy, and I managed Neal'southward work internally.

In 3 months of Neal's help, we were able to reconstruct our influencer marketing strategy that already started to show an increase in our ROI of 25% in a very short amount of time.

What is amazing about Neal was his skill and flexibility in working with us and engaging our managers through our sometimes changing requirements too equally his ability to understand our situation and recommend an approach that aligned with our internal culture and unique challenges.

If your company is looking for a marketing consultant like we were, I wholeheartedly recommend Neal for the task.

Every bit you can see, if you know someone and their piece of work well, it isn't difficult to write a recommendation on LinkedIn. My all-time advice, as always, is to start your planning with what stands out most a person. From this, information technology's easy to build the rest of your post, policy permitting.

Photo past LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

How To Write A Recommendation On LinkedIn FAQs

How do I write a recommendation for someone on LinkedIn?

Here are the steps on how to write and publish a recommendation for someone on LinkedIn:

1. Go to the user's profile yous want to recommend.
2. Just beside the bulletin button, y'all'll come across the "more" button. Press information technology.
3. Choose "Recommend"
4. Select the relationship you have with the person you lot want to recommend. Also, include your job title and the fourth dimension you worked with him/her from the two drop-down menus you'll see.
five. Write then publish your recommendation!

How do you write a recommendation?

Writing a recommendation for someone on LinkedIn also ways yous are "selling" the person you are recommending. Every bit much equally possible, include all the skillful things, compliments, and describe the person. In your recommendation, you also need to clarify your relationship with him/her. In this way, y'all will besides somehow get the credibility that you really worked with the person and know him/her professionally.

What does information technology mean to write a recommendation on LinkedIn?

Recommendations are important because you give other users or the hereafter employer of the person you lot are recommending credibility and proof that they are real. Moreover, recommendations highlight their skills, personality, and stiff points. Hence, you may help the person increase their chance of getting hired for their next job as it sounds similar you are besides verifying the professional claims that the person has in his/her profile.

How practice you write a short recommendation?

Here are the of import things to include when writing a short recommendation:

one. The date when you recommended the person.
2. Your relationship with the person
3. For how long you've known the person and at what level
iv. The person's best qualities.
5. The person'due south character, values, morals, and work ethic

How do I inquire for a recommendation on LinkedIn template?

Here's a sample template you lot can apply if yous will ask for a recommendation on LinkedIn:

Hi (LinkedIn User's name)

I promise yous are well. I want to touch on base of operations with you lot to ask for a short commendation from yous. I am currently [purpose: e.g looking for a chore] and desire to clinch my LinkedIn profile will exist updated for (target client: east.g visitor CEOs or recruiters). It has been a pleasure working with yous and I volition capeesh any feedback or recommendation you can leave on my profile.

One of the best ways to pay it forward to your network is to recommend them. Here's how to write a recommendation on LinkedIn that helps them.
